TOKYO, June 30, 2016 - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (TOKYO: 6503) announced today its immediate issuance of the Mitsubishi Electric Group's environmental report for the fiscal year that ended in March 2016, which documents that the Group mostly achieved its targets for total carbon dioxide emissions generated by product use and manufacturing operations. Investment in environmental initiatives came to 5.1 billion yen or approximately US$45 million during the reporting period.

The report ( reviews the operations of Mitsubishi Electric and its 112 Japan-based and 79 overseas affiliates, focusing on the group's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, expand recycling in society, enhance environmental awareness and strengthen environmental management. Also covered are efforts to meet targets and implement policies set under the Mitsubishi Electric Group's three-year environmental plan. Launched in April 2015 as the company's eighth three-year blueprint for environmental action, the plan is aligned with a long-term environmental vision that will culminate in 2021, Mitsubishi Electric's centenary.

Key Initiatives and Results

Greenhouse gas reduction from products and production
The Group reduced total annual greenhouse gas emissions to 1.28 million tons, which was 120,000 tons lower than the target of 1.4 million tons. Non-carbon dioxide emissions were reduced by 240,000 tons on a carbon-dioxide-equivalent basis by reducing the use of hydrofluorocarbon in overseas factories and improving sulfur hexafluoride recovery. Energy loss was reduced by 13,000 tons by replacing air conditioners, power generators and lighting in facilities, and by another 11,000 tons by installing and utilizing energy-monitoring and control systems. Carbon dioxide emissions generated by 107 Mitsubishi Electric eco-products were reduced by 34 percent on average compared to fiscal 2001.
The final-waste disposal rate was improved through enhanced waste sorting, the reselection of recycling partner companies, and more efficient logistic strategies. Affiliated companies outside of Japan achieved a 0.67 percent rate, well below the 0.8 percent target. Also, resource inputs were reduced to 39 percent of the fiscal 2001 level through the manufacture of lighter and more compact products.
Environmental awareness
Mitsubishi Electric attracted 4,700 participants, compared with a target of 3,500, to its nature-oriented public-awareness activities. Venues were expanded, new activities were added and the support of influential individuals and non-profitable organizations was secured. E-learning programs for environmental management were expanded to 98 affiliates worldwide, helping to foster greater environmental awareness in the Mitsubishi Electric ecosphere.
Environmental management
The environmental risks of 90 global factories were evaluated using an original index covering air pollution, water pollution, chemical substances, greenhouse gas emissions and waste disposal. The activities of factories that scored highly were shared among factories worldwide to strengthening environmental management worldwide.

Note that the releases are accurate at the time of publication but may be subject to change without notice.